
  tuBee Google Chrome Extension tuBee launched at year 2021 February, to support YouTuber's to improve their YouTube channel visibility, audience, subscriptions, likes and comments. The platform provides it's own financial management system to earn within the platform, and invest on boosting each registered video in the platform.  This way, YouTubers will not need to invest money from their pocket, and the platform itself handles earnings and promotions for each registered video individually, and automatically. tuBee provides very easy and mostly automated system to earn just by viewing some ads, articles, videos, or blogs. There are very little task left to the user like just clicking 'Earn' button. Rest of the work then begins automatically, and the user can sit back and watch the progress of earning. The platform 100% automated with promotions / investments and user does not need to involve on it. User can view the investment history handled by the tuBee at any time,...